Bucket Schools: Taking Overleigh's Learning Outdoors


Recent research has shown that ‘our children are the first generation to be raised without meaningful contact with the natural world’ (Louv 2005).  Despite the fact OFSTED recommends that all schools ‘should ensure equal and full access for all learners to learn outside the classroom’ (OFSTED, 2008), a recent report by the Natural England (2011) has shown that the likelihood of any child visiting a green space has halved in a generation.  Louv (2005) refers to this lack of contact with the natural world as ‘nature deficit disorder’ and it is of growing concern to educational and wildlife professionals throughout the UK.  Along with science lecturers from Edge Hill University, we have developed a new approach to learning... Bucket Schools.

01244 267525


Overleigh St. Mary's CE Primary School

Old Wrexham Road


Chester, CH4 7HS

01244 267525


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