Governors' Homepage

Welcome to the Governors' Homepage!

Governor Statement
The Governors of Overleigh St Mary’s CE Primary School are a diverse group of volunteers, each bring different strengths and skills. We all have a common interest in and a commitment to the school, its pupils, staff, buildings and community of which the school forms a part - including the local church St. Mary’s Handbridge.

As a Governing Board, we are expected to have a strong focus on three core responsibilities.

  • Ensuring clarity of vision.
  • Holding the Head Teacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils.
  • Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent.

We are responsible for the conduct of the school and must ensure that the education provided and the way in which the children, staff and parents are treated are in accordance with the law and the various regulations laid down by the authorities.

This however does not mean we try to interfere with the day to day running of the school – our role is that of a critical friend.

We carry out our duties by asking for reports on how English and other subjects are taught and how this is reflected in the children’s progress. We monitor that every subject is taught for at least the minimum required hours. We set aside funding in the budget for new projects each year.

Even though some of the Governing Board have extensive school experience we are not teachers at the school nor are we school inspectors and do not try to behave as such.

We carry out our duties mainly through a committee structure – Finance and Buildings, Leadership and Management, Curriculum and Standards and Children’s Committees. These committees meet at least once a term or as necessary to carry out their duties. In addition to membership of the committees nominated governors take on certain responsibilities e.g. Special Needs, Safeguarding and Child Protection, Head Teacher Performance Management etc. Full Governing Board meetings are held once per term.

Our Governing Board has 2 main sub-committees:The Standards and Achievements Committee and The Finance and Resources Committee.

Our school governing board consists of  governors.

Our governors are:

Name Type of Governor Term of Office
Mrs Sarah Maoudis Co-Opted 29.02.16 - 11.09.24
Mrs Sheila Edwards Staff 15.09.16 - 15.09.24
Miss Emma Drew Headteacher 01.09.17
Mr Paul Kidley Co-Opted 20.11.17 - 27.11.25
Mrs Karen Shapland Foundation 25.09.17 - 27.09.25
Mrs Susan Fryer Foundation 12.02.18 - 12.02.26
Mrs Karla Boughdiri Parent Gov 15.12.23 - 14.12.27
Mrs Laura Gregory LA Gov 27.09.21 - 27.09.25
Mrs Sharon Broughton Parent 16.12.19 - 16.12.27
Mr   Rob Fenton Co-Opted 15.01.23 - 14.01.28
Mrs Rebecca Shimmin Co-Opted 16.05.22 - 16.05.26

Dates of Full Governing Board Meetings

25th Sept 2023

15th Jan 2024

20th May 2024

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01244 267525


Overleigh St. Mary's CE Primary School

Old Wrexham Road


Chester, CH4 7HS

01244 267525

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